Night Sky Miniatures WWII Collection

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WWII - VEHICLE LIST 1/56 scale Bolt Action

StuG III Ausf E

The Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III) was an assault gun produced by Germany during World War II. It was the most-produced fully tracked armoured fighting vehicle, and second-most produced German armored combat vehicle of any type after the Sd.Kfz. 251 half-track.

  • StuG III Ausf. E: (Sd.Kfz 142; September 1941 – February 1942, 284 produced) Superstructure sides added extended rectangular armoured boxes for radio equipment. Increased space allowed room for six additional rounds of ammunition for the main gun (giving a maximum of 50) plus a machine gun. One MG 34 and seven drum-type magazines were carried in the right rear side of the fighting compartment to protect the vehicle from enemy infantry. Vehicle commanders were officially provided with SF14Z stereoscopic scissor periscopes. Stereoscopic scissor type periscopes for artillery spotters may have been used by vehicle commanders from the start.

Features include:

  • Pre-supported option
  • Pre-hollowed option
  • Option to print tracks separately or attached to hull
  • Option for commanders hatch to be printed in the open position

 The model is in 1/56 scale   CLICK ON PHOTO FOR LARGER VERSION

StuG III Ausf E

StuG III Ausf E

StuG III Ausf E


StuG III Ausf E