Night Sky Miniatures WWII Collection

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WWII - VEHICLE LIST 1/56 scale Bolt Action

StuG III Ausf F8

  • StuG III Ausf. F/8: (Sd.Kfz 142/1; September–December 1942, 250 produced) Introduction of an improved hull design similar to that used for the Panzer III Ausf. J / L with increased rear armour. This was 8th version of the Panzer III hull, thus the designation "F/8". This hull has towing hook holes extending from side walls. From October 1942, 30 mm thick plates of additional armour were bolted (previously welded) on to speed up the production line. From F/8, the 7.5 cm StuK 40 L/48 gun was standard until the last of the Ausf. G. Due to the lack of double baffle muzzle brakes, a few L/48 guns mounted on F/8s were fitted with the single baffle ball type muzzle brake used on the Panzer IV Ausf. F2/G.

Features include:

  • Hollowed option
  • Pre-supported option
  • Hatch open option
  • Option to print tracks separately or attached to the hull

 The model is in 1/56 scale   CLICK ON PHOTO FOR LARGER VERSION

StuG III Ausf F8

StuG III Ausf F8

StuG III Ausf F8


StuG III Ausf F8